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You Have NOT Lost the Battle

It's okay ...

to ask for help when you need it.

I can't be the only one who struggles to even say the words "I need help..."

Makes me feel like I have been defeated... like I lost some kind of battle.

It's as if I always ask my self ... "what ELSE can I add on to my plate?"... I am huge on routine, as many of you know, huge on the whole schedule - following timelines - what not. But as my times keep getting shorter (less nap times & middle of the night wake ups) I have been feeling overwhelmed ... feeling like I can't really meet to the demands I am expecting for myself... completely drained. So I asked for help... I hired a nanny, to give me 2 hours out of the day 2x a week to focus on moving forward.

I am only ONE person - & I know I am capable of doing a lot, but I also know that I do not have to tackle the world all by myself.

Forcing myself in to this "zone of discomfort" of asking for help, because I want grow & develop from within.

I want to be present with my children, I want to grow my company, I want to help as many people as possible, I want to move forward.

I do not want to "break" from the load I take on. Burnout is real.

- SOWO Gonz


Go prioritize yourself:

Your physical health matters.

Your mental health matters.

Your emotional health matters.


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