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You Do What You Gotta Do

I had been going through a whole mental block for what felt like a good amount of time - I just felt like I wasn't advancing... with work, physical therapy, life, etc.

I was even falling back on the saying "I don't have enough time..."

which if you don't know, now you will... is my LEAST favorite saying in the world.

*There are 24 hours in the day & you get to decide how you spend it.*

So even on the days that I didn't want to do anything but scroll through Tik Tok... I got up...

I got up & did something, a simple house chore - some work - etc.

it was definitely hard at first... then it became easier.

& these past two weeks I have been able to actually notice the change - I have been advancing - even before when I thought I wasn't... I really was, just at a different pace.

so KEEP pushing.

Keep pushing through ALL the "obstacles" life throws at you, because you are still moving forward.

You only really get stuck, when you actually give up.

This past year definitely tested me in many ways... but here's to seeing the world spin on its axis because now...

My lower back pain, although still there, has improved a lot - my ROM is SO much better & I got the okay to start increasing the weight for my deadlifts. & THIS IS A WIN!

I dug even deeper & realized that I do not need to fit everything into nap time (which is only about an hour) - so I have been involving the girls way more with work & house chores. It's definitely not a smooth process, but you do what you gotta do.

Besides.. it's teaching us ALL some more patience, love, and the ability to be mindful of literally everything.

I am still working on understanding that there are certain things I can not change, or control, but I am still going.

Go be productive - you have the time - you have the days - you are capable.

Do what you gotta do.

- SOWO Gonz


Go prioritize yourself:

Your physical health matters.

Your mental health matters.

Your emotional health matters.


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