I am working on making more content available to you all:
- More detailed videos on YouTube (exercise form, nutrition tips, & vlogs)
- Instagram (my own workouts, progress, & in the moment stuff)
- PLUS adding on this blog (midweek motivation, mindset shift, & routine tips)
I have a goal of uploading 1 video/wk on YouTube, posting 4-5x/wk on Instagram, & writing 1-2x/wk.
PSA: I am a terrible writer... I STRUGGLE with words, so at times I am sure that this will all sound like word vomit (that's just how my mind works).
BUT I do want to share how my mind works... to stay consistent, disciplined, driven, etc. cause MAYBE, just maybe, YOU can take something from this that'll help you now, or in the future. Who knows...
Many of you who have followed along know that I am a stay at home mom to twin toddlers and a dog, who also takes on clients as an ONLINE PERSONAL TRAINER. My life may be "simple" to most... but to me, I constantly feel like I'm running a bootcamp
& I wouldn't change anything about it.
So... Life is beautiful. Life is crazy.
Read my posts when they come up (ACTUALLY read them) - it'll take two- three minutes ... I vow to always be REAL.
Share this, if you care to do so & I'll be back soon.
- SOWO Gonz
Go prioritize yourself:
Your physical health matters.
Your mental health matters.
Your emotional health matters.