My daughters constantly remind me of this.
If you don't know, now you do... I have two year old toddlers. Who are learning to use their words & they try soooo hard to formulate sentences.
Obviously, when we can’t seem to understand them they tend to get frustrated (TOTALLY normal)… I mean they’re trying to communicate & we're not getting on the same page...
HAPPENS to me.. when I feel like people don't understand me...
BUT what I try to do before the frustration settles in... is gently place my hands on their cheeks and say “I am here, I am trying, can you show me?”
THE BEST PART of the whole "tantrum" is when … we finally understand each other!
They CELEBRATE! (honestly we all do lol).
My children are reminding me to celebrate my wins, big or small, because they all mean you advanced.
You moved forward.
Make sure you do the same - CELEBRATE
&& keep going!
- SOWO Gonz
Go prioritize yourself:
Your physical health matters.
Your mental health matters.
Your emotional health matters.