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Clean Your Dirty Lens

I am almost positive I brought this up in a past blog post BUT here it comes again:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

That prayer was something that my mom had all around the house growing up, it definitely made more of an appearance when she received the news about her tumors & had to begin chemotherapy. She may have spoken little English, but Serenity prayer spoke in volume to her.

& later in life, to me...

I have always been someone that struggles with the inability to control the things around me. BOY do I get angry & frustrated... It helps me to step back and feel that anger & frustration at that very moment... then breathe & accept the things I cannot change... & move forward, adapt, do damage control, whatever I have to do to continue on.

Yesterday for example, I was furious for maybe 2 minutes over a situation I knew would happen & had been wanting to avoid - I was frustrated over those who kept pushing for it and I was angry at the result... & how nonchalant it felt.

I have learned now to approach things with that judgement, I do not need to be clouded or disrespectful... so I took that step back & called my dad, punched/kicked a fence, took multiple deep breaths ... & then thought about the positive.

So ... Realize this... What you do now matters more than what happened yesterday.

I can not change what happened but I can change how I react & adjust to it. I can "clean my dirty lens" so that I can focus & not have foggy judgement.

- SOWO Gonz



Go prioritize yourself:

Your physical health matters.

Your mental health matters.

Your emotional health matters.


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