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Are you TRACKING....?

Lately, I have been asked a lot about sleep tracking - so I want to write quick here some information, I hope you all find helpful!

I track my sleep - using The Sleep Cycle App.

By monitoring my sleep patterns, I am able to see how much quality sleep I am actually getting.

Which is valuable information!!

It empowers you take control of your sleep and optimize your sleep experience.

When tracking my sleep I am looking at:

- my heart rate & any variations

- when I actually fall asleep & wake up

- time awake & time sleeping

- how much time I spend in each cycle (REM & non-REM)

HOWEVER, just cause you are tracking doesn't mean you will actually improve your sleep... just like everything in life - you have to do something about it.

Changing behaviors and habits based on what you learn from tracking is the key.

In the morning I like to reflect on what I did the night before & refer to the data collected from the app.

I have noticed that what has helped improve my quality of sleep has been:

- white noise machine

- black out curtains

- a/c under 70º (plus the ceiling fan on)

- swapping my phone for my paperwhite kindle when laying in bed

- taking magnesium supplementation to ease my mind & relax

- sticking to a consistent bed time

Improving my sleep has been a work in progress - especially when I have two little ones that take turns waking up in the middle of the night for potty breaks.

*It is important to note that these assessments are not always completely accurate. BUT using a tracker of some sort can encourage you to track your sleep habits more consistently.

- SOWO Gonz


Go prioritize yourself:

Your physical health matters.

Your mental health matters.

Your emotional health matters.


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