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Always Aim to be Straight Forward

It’s not that you don’t have time…

It’s that you don’t have the drive to prioritize that one thing you keep making an excuse for. Honestly, that could be okay for you but it is not for me.

Some people live comfortable all their life, walking through average.

Here are my “COULD BE” excuses:

  • I have two kids & a pup to chase around

  • I have to cook

  • I have to clean

  • I have to work

  • I have to finish my CEUs

  • I’m tired/overwhelmed/overly stimulated/frustrated

The list could go on… these “excuses” could take over my goals, my dreams, but I don’t let them.

My personal goal is overall strength; mentally, physically, and emotionally. & it has included my dream & goal to inspire others to include movement into their lives. Which leads to creating a platform for all of you to feel free to explore, question, & work with.

Strength is beautiful.

SO. How do I not let those excuses take over? SIMPLE - I have a routine.

I have always been very schedule oriented BUT after having kids it jumped to another level.

FUNNY cause recently, I wrote it all out to analyze and check where I can fine tune things… (David Goggins reminding me to do so) & honestly, realized how ANAL it all looks BUT I am grateful for my schedule because with the hectic rollercoaster ride of life I have been able to focus on my growth as well.

SO. This is your reminder to check in with yourself, see how you spend your day… your weeks. How can you tweak it to include your own goals and dreams?

I know I can work on my phone pick up times… I pick up my phone on avg 90-100x a day

Longest pick up is about 37 minutes

Longest time away from phone is about 57 minutes

I feel like that interferes with my life, so I am working to change that by including a time slot in my day.

Here’s a SIMPLIFIED breakdown of how my day looks - I, personally, break it down further to include even smaller tasks.

5am - alarm

5:15am - workout

7:35am - get the girls

8:15am - breakfast

9:05am - color/play with toys/dance/outdoors/etc

11:45am - tv/sit down/ scroll through social media

12:30pm - lunch

1:30pm - girls nap/start tidying house

1:45pm - *scroll through social media/edit videos/ take Titan out

2pm - start chores/work/study

3:50pm - get girls

6:20pm - dinner

6:45pm - play/outside/run around

7:15pm - bath time with dad

7:20pm - work/study

8:30pm - girls bedtime

8:45pm - clean/wind down/scroll through social media

9:30pm - read

10pm - bed

Yup. This is who I am.

Recently, even my own routine felt out of whack... I got food poisoning, the girls got a stomach bug, I had travel scheduled, etc... but recapping on these "obstacles" I never stopped moving forward. My workout routine might have been different; involving more walks & hikes versus actively weight lifting, and that's okay but my dreams & goals remain the same so I tackled them on differently.

Shift your approach.

I'd appreciate if you share this & provide feedback. I’ll be back soon.

- SOWO Gonz



Go prioritize yourself:

Your physical health matters.

Your mental health matters.

Your emotional health matters.


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